Political Economy in Urban Society: Lets Learn From Our Prophet (ﷺ)

By | 19 March 2021 11:23:10 | 242 | 0
image source: insidearabia.com
image source: insidearabia.com

Economy and social welfare in a country depend on the system built by the government. Nowadays urbanization builds new society in the destination city then gradually changes the system of the city which affects the lifestyle of the society. This phenomenon already happened when our Prophet (ﷺ) was alive. The moving or hijrah from Macca to Madinah increases the population in Madinah. Madinah city at that time was already known for their active economy system. The Prophet (ﷺ) made some policy after discussion with the native people in Madinah, we can learn the system and integrate with the system nowadays.


  1. Economic System

Great economic system based on Islam Shariah that makes The Prophet (ﷺ) banned business activities such; riba, gharar, ihtikar, tadlis, and market inefficiency. This system decreases the number of social inequality especially in the economy sector. As we know, urban people rely on their primary needs by working in the industrial sector. Urban people are unable to produce their food in their land because there are limited areas for farming. 


  1. Wage System

The Prophet (ﷺ) keep remind the business owner to pay the wage of their employee as soon as possible, before their sweat dries up instead. Since urban society relies on their industrial sector, people are working to earn some salary for living. If you are someone who has an obligation to wage your employee, The Prophet  (ﷺ) said that it is important to pay their salary right by the performance and the time.


  1. Public Finance Policy

The Prophet  (ﷺ) suggest some method to reach inclusive fiscal policy. First, fay’ and shodaqoh. Wealthy citizens donate their income then help the others who need it. Second, bayt al-mal or Center of Finance Policy. The Center of Finance Policy formulate inclusive fiscal policy for the entire urban society.