In Memoriam: Ustadz Chusnul Hadi, a Hafiz-Muballigh with a Noble Understanding of Qur'an

By Admin | 02 September 2020 15:04:29 | 176 | 0

Muslim people all around Malang must be in a deep condolence for the death of Ustadz Chusnul Hadi, M.SI, after his battle against the illness he suffered for a week. It was on Sunday, August 16 2020 before midday prayer, and the shalatul janaza was being held in Nailul Hamam Mosque. After that, he was buried in Kutobedah Cemetery. That day, he smiled peacefully in his last breath, performing such a happy ending.

Aside from being a lecturer in Brawijaya University, he was also a prominent muballigh or da'i in Malang. He was also a member of Muballigh Muhamadiyah Corps (CMM). His contribution for the sake of Islam is real, as he delivered the words of Qur'an and its tafsir routinely in some mosques including Ar-Ruhama Mosque, Imam Bukhari Mosque, and many more. In his Islamic assembly and talks, he did not have an inclination towards any particular tafsir books. He usually take some verses of Qur'an, and related them rationally to the current issues, theories, and knowledge exist in our society. His talks are known as Thematic Tafsir.

According to Marta Wijayanti, a woman who routinely attended his talk in Ar-Ruhama Mosque, he was such a good quality muballigh. He could explain difficult topic in a very simple way so everyone could understand, and he always explained things with current real issues as examples. Moreover, he was a down-to-earth person. Once, a person in his assembly asked, "How did you managed to memorize the whole Qur'an, understand every verse in depth, complete with its meaning and tafsir at very detail", he just said, "I don't know. What I know is that my mother always put my name in her every prayer."
