The Jews test Prophetic Muhammad through Lamb

By | 23 February 2021 11:10:11 | 274 | 0
Picture by: Minun kh mukmin
Picture by: Minun kh mukmin

Prophet Muhammad SAW is the prophet of the end times sent by Allah SWT to convey the teachings of Islam and perfect human morality. Once prophetic and apostolic Muhammad SAW was once tested by the Jews.

Abu Haurairah said, when Khaibar was conquered, the Prophet  was given a gift of a goat that had been poisoned.  The Prophet immediately said, "Please gather the Jews who are here." So they were gathered before him.

Then the Prophet SAW said, "I will ask you about something, will you answer honestly?" They said, "Yes, Abu Qasim ( Prophet SAW)

Then the Prophet SAW asked, "Who is your father?" They said, "Our father is fulan."

Then the Prophet SAW said, "You are lying, but your father is the fulan." They said, "Your Majesty is right."

Then the Prophet SAW said to them, "Would you be honest if I asked you about something?" They said, "Yes, and if we lie, he will know it, as he knows our fathers."

The Prophet SAW asked them, "Who are the inmates of Hell?" They said, "We will be in it for a while, and then he will take our place there.

So the Prophet (pbuh) said to them, "Be humiliated in it, by Allah Subhanahu Wata'ala we will not replace you in (hell) forever."

Then the Prophet SAW asked them, "Are you going to tell the truth about the question that I will ask you?" They said, "Yes."

The Prophet SAW asked, "What caused you to did this?"

They replied, "We want to be freed if he was a liar, and if he was a true Prophet then (the poison) will not harm him (Prophet Muhammad SAW)." (HR Al-Bukhari)

In the hadith it was explained that the Prophet SAW knew his mutton was poisoned, so he survived. Thus proved Prophetic and Apostolic Muhammad SAW.