By Admin | 17 October 2020 08:59:13 | 247 | 0

Malang, Tugu street , loceted in front of the House of Representatives Malang city, was filled with laborers and colleg students who rejected the work Constitution or omnibus law from various regions. Tugu street is used as a assemblye point for all the reject omnimbus law

The main road section in front of the House of Representatives compound in Malang cities, at 10.00 WIB has been closely guarded following the planned demonstration of workers related to the passage of the Omnibus Law

base on media ummat time's vehicle passing from and heading to Tugu street of Malang city turned because the access was full of demonstrators. Several employees and agencies around the location were also forced to park their vehicles in other places, rider who attempt cut in liner location was forced to reversed by the protester. The road could be passed when the demonstration was over

The demontration in front of the House of Representativs under close guard by the police aparatus. the demonstrators are not allowed close to the buld house of representative and the only extend their oration outside the gate house of representativ. The demonstrations were initially peacefu. then there was chaotic it because the demnstrators throwing stones, fire up. Then the police deployed a water canon vehicle, and fired tear gas

Reporter : Lissa