The Legacy of Muhammad Ibn Musa al-Khawarizmi

By | 22 December 2021 13:57:40 | 298 | 0
Picture by : tirto.ID
Picture by : tirto.ID

Muhammad Ibn Musa Al-Khawarizmi is known as Al-Khawarizmi, Al-Cowarizmi, Al-Ahawizmi, Al-Karismi, Al-Goritmi, Al-Gorismi and some more spelling methods. He was born in Bukhara. In research He has been proven that Al-Khawarizmi was a knowledgeable figure of Islam. His knowledge and expertise are not only in the field of Shari'ah but in the fields of philosophy, logic, arithmetic, geometry, music, calculating science, Islamic history and chemistry.

Al-Khawarizmi had created the use of Secants and Tangen in trigonometric and astronomical research. When he was young, he worked under the reign of Caliph al-Ma'mun, working at Bayt al-Hikmah in Baghdad. He worked in an observatory where he studied mathematics and astronomy. Al-Khawarizmi is also believed to lead the caliph's library.

Al-Khawarizmi has introduced Indian numerals and Indian ways of calculation to the Islamic world. He is also an encyclopedia writer in various disciplines. Al-Khawarizmi was the first to introduce algebra and hisab. Many more sciences that he studied in the field of mathematics and produced mathematical concepts that are so popular that are still used today.

Al-Khawarizmi's contributions

His contributions in the form of works include:

1. Al-Jabr wa'l Muqabalah: he has created the use of secess and tangens in trigonometric and astronomical research.

2. Hisab al-Jabr wa al-Muqabalah: He has proposed examples of mathematical problems and presented 800 problems that were mostly problems posed by Neo. Babylian in the form of conjecture that has been proven to be true by al-Khawarizmi.

3. System Number: He has introduced the concept of nature and importance in the Number system now days. His created includes Cos, Sin and Tan in the solution of trigonometric equations, the equilateral triangle theorem and the calculation of the area of triangles, quadrangle and inner circle geometry.

The field of astronomy also made al-Khawarizmi famous. Astronomy can be interpreted as the science of falaq [knowledge of stars involving the study of position, movement, and thought and interpretation related to stars].

Some branches of science in Mathematics were introduced by al-Khawarizmi such as: geometry, algebra, arithmetic and others.

Al-Khawarizmi has been recognized by both Muslims and the Western world. G.Sarton said, "The highest achievements have been obtained by the Easterners in this al-Khawarizmi". Another figure, Wiedman said, "Al-Khawarizmi has a strong personality and a person who devotes his life to the world of science".

The years 780-850 was the glory of al-Khawarizmi. Another source confirms he lived in Khawarism, Usbekistan in 194 H/780 and died in 266 H/850  in Baghdad.

Edited from various sources.