Under The Rug of Al-Masjid an-Nabawī

By Admin Mediaummat | 28 April 2022 09:33:19 | 190 | 0
Picture by: Moha_oz
Picture by: Moha_oz

Beneath the rug of the Prophet's Mosque, in which there is a hidden place from the worshipers, there are three circles on the earth which are oddly shaped and different from all the arrangements and decorations of the Prophet's Mosque (ﷺ)

 Abu Talha al-Ansari, a man from the Ansar, and the richest and most lawful of them, owned livestock, camels, palms and cattle, and Allah gave him much good. This was the thing he loved the most and was closest to his heart.

 Abu Talha ra, had a well called "Bir Ha'." This well is located opposite the mosque of the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him, and close to it. This well was the most loved by Abu Talha And they preferred it to the other wells of Medina.

One of the greatest things that made Abu Talha love this well and become very attached to it, is that the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, used to enter it, drink from it, and like it, and it was one of the seven wells where our Prophet drank and performed ablution, so he received his blessings, so this is a double reason that made Abu Talha prefer him over the others.

 When the Almighty says: 
"You will not reach the truth until you give what you love"

Abu Talha stood facing the Messenger of Allah and said: O Messenger of Allah, Allah Almighty said:

"You will not reach the truth until you spend on what you love", and that I love my money well, and it is a charity to Allah.

And he continued his conversation with our Prophet, peace be upon him, and said to him, "Put, O Messenger of Allah, where God has seen you." The Messenger of Allah said, rejoicing at what he heard: "Innalillahi, that is profitable money."

And he really spent it, may Allah be pleased with him, by Allah, and this well continued to export his goods to Muslims for many years, until the Prophet's Mosque needed to be expanded.

It should be closed for the benefit of Muslims, and is now located in the Prophet's Mosque when entered through the King Fahd Gate between the King Fahd Gate 21 and 22, and specifically on the left under the furniture between the second and third columns, there exist three marble circles, which are the location of the well. To preserve the greatness and prestige of this well..