The smell of sadness at Darun Nadwah

By Admin Mediaummat | 12 July 2022 11:13:29 | 238 | 0
Picture by: canva
Picture by: canva

After the polytheists learned that the companions of the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) left Mecca with their families, children and property to join Aus and Khazraj in Medina, it is difficult to describe how worried and anxious they were. Never before had they felt such anxiety. In front of them, lay a great danger that could threaten their economic life and paganism.

They know exactly how the personality of Muhammad SAW who is very reliable in influencing others, in addition to the credibility of his leadership and the perfection of his guidance. While his friends also have a burning spirit, are submissive, ready to sacrifice in defense of him. Aus and Khazraj themselves have reliable strength, they have smart people who are known to like peace and kindness, the seeds of envy between Aus and Khazraj have also started to disappear, after so long both sides experienced the bitterness of the war that continued to drag on. .

They also realized that Medina's position was very strategic in the trade sector, because it was a caravan route that passed through the Red Sea coast to Sham. The trade turnover of the residents of Mecca to Sham can reach four million gold dinars every year, not to mention the residents of Taif and others. The smooth running of this trade completely depended on the safety factor of the caravan journey. Anyone from the Quraysh would have realized the great danger that posed if the Islamic da'wah based in Yathrib and its inhabitants joined forces to confront the other side.


Threatened Existence

The dangers threatening their very existence seemed to pile up. Therefore they are trying to find the most effective means to get rid of this danger, the source of which is the bearer of the Islamic da'wah flag, which is none other than the Prophet Muhammad SAW.

On Thursday 26 Safar in the year 14 of nubuwwah, coinciding with September 12 in the year 622 AD, or approximately two and a half months after Baiat Aqabah Kubra, a meeting of members of the Meccan parliament was held at Darunnadwah, which began in the morning. This was the most important meeting in their history, which was attended by representatives from every tribe of Quraysh. They studied the most effective way to kill the flag bearer of Islamic da'wah correctly and cut off its rays from the earth's surface.

The faces that appeared at this very important meeting were representatives of the entire Quraysh tribe, including; first, Abu Jahal bin Hisham from the tribe of Bani Makhzum. Second, Jubair bin Mut'im and Thu'aimah bin Adi and Al-Harith bin Amir from Bani Naufal bin Abdi Manaf. Third, Syaiban and Utbah, sons of Rabi'ah and Abu Sufyan bin Harb from Bani Abdi Shams bin Abdi Manaf. Fourth, An-Nadhr bin Al-Harith from the Bani Abdid-Dar, who had filled him with the contents of the stomach of an animal that had been slaughtered. Fifth, Abul-Bakhtari bin Hisham, Zam'ah bin Al-Aswad and Hakim bin Hizam from Bani Asad bin Abdul Uzza. Sixth, Nubih and Munabbih, sons of Al-Hajjaj from Bani Sahm. Seventh, Umayyah bin Khalaf from Bani Jumah.


Abu Jahal's proposal

When they came to Darunnadwah at the appointed time, suddenly an old man in thick clothes appeared standing in the doorway. "Who are these parents?" they asked. Someone replied, "He is an old man from the people of Najd who has heard what you want to talk about Muhammad. He purposely came here to hear your opinion. Who knows, he can offer your opinion and advice.” "Okay. Then come on in!” they said. So the old man went in with them.

After the members of parliament are complete, various proposals and solutions are presented. There was quite a lot of debate. Abul-Aswad said, “We drive him out and get him out of our midst. After that we don't care where he will go and what his fate will be. We handle our own business and we build unity like before."

Najd's parents responded, “I don't agree with your opinion. Don't you know that his kind and sweet words and his intelligence rule the hearts of anyone who comes to him? By Allah, if you act like that, then you will not be able to guarantee that an Arab can escape from him, then he will attack you with them and trample you on this place too. After that he did whatever he wanted with you. Think of another opinion to deal with it.”

Abul-Bakhtari proposed, "Put him in an iron frame, close the door tightly, then let him be like the fate of the previous poets (Zuhair and An-Nabighah) until he died."

The parents of Najd responded, “By Allah, I do not agree with your opinion. For the sake of Allah , if you hold him like that, his comrades will immediately hear of his situation, and then they will come to you, release him from your grip and gather a large number of people. Maybe they can beat you. I do not agree with this opinion. Think of another opinion."

After these two proposals were rejected, there was one more proposal which was then accepted by all members of the Quraysh parliament. This proposal was submitted by the most evil resident of Mecca, Abu Jahal bin Hisham. He said, "By Allah, I have an opinion that I guarantee you will carry out." "What do you think, O Abul-Hakam?" they asked.

“In my opinion, we will appoint one who is valiant, of noble blood and is used to mediate between each of the tribes. Each of our youths was given a sharp sword, then they had to surround him, then slashed Muhammad with one slash, like a man slashed until he died. That way we can feel calm from the disturbance. If they do like that, then their blood will be splattered in all the tribes, so that the Bani Abdi Manaf will not be able to fight all their people, and they will gladly accept this situation and we can accept it too."

The parents of Najd responded, "I agree with this opinion and I don't see any other opinion."

Finally the Meccan parliament approved this sinister proposal unanimously. Then each member of parliament returned to their respective homes and prepared to implement this agreement immediately. (mu/chancellor)



Thursday, 26 Safar in the 14th year of nubuwwah, coinciding with 12 September 622 AD, or approximately two and a half months after Baiat Aqabah Kubra, the Mecca parliamentary meeting was held at Darun Nadwah.