December 11 and the History of United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF)

By Admin | 14 December 2020 18:44:36 | 259 | 0
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UNICEF that we know today is an acronym of United Nations Children’s Fund. It was established in 11th of December 1946. Back then, since its year of establishment until 1953, UNICEF stood for United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund which is a special programme whose purpose is providing and enhancing children’s education, health and general welfare in the devastating aftermath caused by World War II. After 1953, the organization committed to a broader aims, not only to help the children impacted by the trouble of World War II, but also to help every children in need, especially in the developing countries and less-developed countries.

UNICEF has contributed to lots of children-related agenda, including providing reliefs for disadvantaged children, preventing and offering treatment of diseases, organizing immunization programme, managing funds for health and welfare services, as well as educational facilities. For that, UNICEF was awarded the Nobel Prize for Peace in 1965. The headquarters of UNICEF is currently located in New York City.

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Reporter: Alvi Rosyidah